Sunday, February 23, 2025
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IoT Students of Govt. HSS, Kanakary, visit School of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics – 17/01/2025

IoT students of Skill Development Centre of Govt. HSS, Kanakkary visited School of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Mahatma Gandhi University as part of Field visit programme on 17/01/2025. Dr. Deepa V. provided a detailed introduction in AI & Robotics, facilities provided by the department and interacted with students on their queries in the field. Dr. Rethishkumar S. (Administrative Officer) provided insights on the working of the University it motives in higher education. Mr. Atul Anilkumar (Technical Assistant) provided demo and explained about the DGX A100 system on how it works, uses, and it applications.